国光的 macOS Ventura 13 软件清单
磨刀不误砍柴工,工欲善其事必先利其器,正好最近国光我换了 M1 Pro 的 14 寸的 Macbook Pro 监管机了,真香呀!新的电脑到了又得安装一堆软件,最后为了自己也为了方便大家快速查看,国光我还单独写了个前端页面。
磨刀不误砍柴工,工欲善其事必先利其器,正好最近国光我换了 M1 Pro 的 14 寸的 Macbook Pro 监管机了,真香呀!新的电脑到了又得安装一堆软件,最后为了自己也为了方便大家快速查看,国光我还单独写了个前端页面。
从理论角度来看,利用家用设备的 IPv6 地址来建立 C2 服务器也是可行的。但是企业内网当中基本上是不可能有公网 IPv6 地址的,没有 IPv6 的话就无法访问到我们的 C2 服务器,这也是本文核心要展开说的地方,话不多说,直接看下文吧。
AI 近几年发展很快啊,我们作为安全从业者当然也需要不断学习,未知攻,焉知防,所以本文就来带大家手把手的使用 AI 实时换脸,然后将换脸后的画面输出给 APP 摄像头。
本文理论上是全球首发了,因为谷歌确实没有搜索到有人 ESXi 黑苹果直通 A 卡成功的案例,而且也没有看到有人使用 OpenCore 来引导 ESXi 虚拟的。大多数都是 N 卡直通黑苹果成功的,但是 N 卡从 macOS 10.14 系统开始基本上就是残废的状态,所以本文直通 A 卡成功以及使用 OC 引导虚拟机的姿势对全球黑苹果和虚拟化玩家来说还是有一定意义的,理论上来说 ESXi 7.X 和 6.X 也是可以成功的,这个得需要网友们自己去尝试看看了。
Written by: Michael Raggi
Mandiant Intelligence is tracking a growing trend among China-nexus cyber espionage operations where advanced persistent threat (APT) actors utilize proxy networks known as “ORB networks” (operational relay box networks) to gain an advantage when conducting espionage operations. ORB networks are akin to botnets and are made up of virtual private servers (VPS), as well as compromised Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart devices, and routers that are often end of life or unsupported by their manufacturers. Building networks of compromised devices allows ORB network administrators to easily grow the size of their ORB network with little effort and create a constantly evolving mesh network that can be used to conceal espionage operations.
Mandiant assesses with moderate confidence that this is an effort to raise the cost of defending an enterprise’s network and shift the advantage toward espionage operators by evading detection and complicating attribution. Mandiant believes that if network defenders can shift the current enterprise defense paradigm away from treating adversary infrastructure like indicators of compromise (IOCs) and instead toward tracking ORB networks like evolving entities akin to APT groups, enterprises can contend with the rising challenge of ORB networks in the threat landscape.
For even more on ORB networks, listen to our latest The Defender's Advantage podcast.
IOC Extinction and the Rise of ORB NetworksThe cybersecurity industry has reported on the APT practice of ORB network usage in the past as well as on the functional implementation of these networks. Less discussed are the implications of broad ORB network usage by a multitude of China-nexus espionage actors, which has become more common over recent years. The following are three key points and paradigm shifting implications about ORB networks that require enterprise network defenders to adapt the way they think about China-nexus espionage actors:
ORB networks are always made up of network infrastructure nodes. These nodes can be compromised routers, leased VPS devices, or often a mixture of both. While earlier commercial incarnations of ORB networks date back to 2016, the modern incarnation of networks like ORB1 / ORBWEAVER can be tracked back to at least 2020. The nodes in any given ORB network are usually distributed globally across the world and are not geographically specific to any one location. ORB network administrators rely on ASN providers in different parts of the world to reduce exposure or dependence on any one nation’s internet infrastructure. An example of global distribution of an ORB network can be seen as follows in what Mandiant tracks as ORB3 or SPACEHOP, a very active network leveraged by multiple China-nexus threat actors. The high volume of APT-related traffic through globally distributed nodes indicates that this network is utilized to target a wide array of geographic targets colocated in the geographies of observed exit nodes. Notably, this network maintains a robust volume of nodes in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. These geographies have been observed as targets of APT15 and UNC2630 (a cluster of activity with suspected links to APT5) and have previously been observed using this network. This network also diversifies its nodes by registering VPS-based devices with multiple commercially available Autonomous System providers.
Figure 1: Country heatmap of ORB3 / SPACEHOP nodes 2023
Autonomous System
Percent of Observed SPACEHOP Nodes
Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited (CN)
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd. (CN)
Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue (CN)
Stark Industries Solutions Ltd (UK)
BrainStorm Network, Inc (CA)
Green Floid LLC (PL)
Kaopu Cloud HK Limited (HK)
Table 1: Top 10 Autonomous System providers and percent composition of ORB3 / SPACEHOP network ORB Network ClassificationsMandiant classifies ORB networks into two fundamental types. Networks can be provisioned networks, which are made up of commercially leased VPS space that are managed by ORB network administrators, or they can be non-provisioned networks, which are often made up of compromised and end-of-life router and IoT devices. It is also possible for an ORB network to be a hybrid network combining both leased VPS devices and compromised devices. Mandiant notes that it has observed both a wide diversity of China-nexus threat actors using each kind of ORB network. The type of threat actor organization does not appear to limit which type of network threat actors utilize, despite historic indications that military-related entities have preferred procured networks in the past. Alternatively, threat actors with a civilian intelligence background have proven more likely to utilize non-provisioned networks consisting of routers compromised by custom malware.
Provisioned Networks
Non-Provisioned Networks
Leased VPS devices via commercial services
Compromised routers and IoT devices
Actor administration of nodes
Actor augmentation of network through custom router-based payloads
Provisioned networks require actors to manage virtual images or operating systems on leased devices.
Many non-provisioned networks will use leased VPS devices as adversary-controlled operations servers (“ACOS nodes”)
Table 2: Characteristics of provisioned and non-provisioned ORB networks ORB Network Universal AnatomyAfter continuous analysis of numerous ORB networks spanning years, Mandiant has designed a universal anatomy for analyzing and labeling ORB network components. This anatomy is intended to serve as a guide for enterprise defenders when identifying malicious ORB network node infrastructure. All networks that are identified will have a universal set of identifiable components. While the configuration of these components may differ between networks and the traversal path through an ORB network may appear different on a case by case basis, the following components are essential for an ORB network to function:
Figure 2: Diagram of the Universal Anatomy of an ORB network
Mandiant notes that the ACOS servers and relay nodes are most commonly hosted in PRC-affiliated and Hong Kong-based IP space. Analysts believe that by placing these critical servers behind the Great Firewall, ORB network administrators may limit their exposure to both legal and disruptive actions of targeted entities.
Examples of Active ORB Networks in the Wild ORB3 / SPACEHOP - Provisioned NetworkA primary example of a provisioned ORB network leveraged in the wild by numerous APTs is a network tracked by Mandiant as ORB3 / SPACEHOP. This network consists of servers provisioned by a single entity operating in China. The network has facilitated network reconnaissance scanning and vulnerability exploitation conducted by China-nexus threat actors, including APT5 and APT15.
The infrastructure present in the ORB3 network represents a threat to entities that have historically been targeted by APT15 and APT5, including entities in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Active since at least 2019, UNC2630 (with suspected links to APT5), used a known SPACEHOP node to exploit CVE-2022-27518 in late December 2022. The National Security Agency (NSA) linked exploitation of CVE-2022-27518 within the same time frame to APT5.
This ORB network’s topography is rather flat when compared to more complex ORB networks. It leverages a relay server hosted in either Hong Kong or China by cloud providers and installs a C2 framework available on GitHub for the administration of downstream relay nodes. The relay nodes are often cloned Linux-based images, which are used to proxy malicious network traffic through the network to an exit node that communicates with targeted victim environments.
Figure 3: ORB3 / SPACEHOP network diagram
ORB2 FLORAHOX - Non-Provisioned NetworkFLORAHOX is an example of both a non-provisioned and a hybrid ORB network. It is composed of an ACOS node, compromised network router and IOT devices, and leased VPS servers that interface with a customized TOR relay network layer. The network is used to proxy traffic from a source and relay it through a TOR network and several compromised router nodes to obfuscate the source of the traffic. It is believed to be used in cyber espionage campaigns by a diverse set of China-nexus threat actors.
The network appears to contain several subnetworks composed of compromised devices recruited by the router implant FLOWERWATER as well as other router-based payloads. Subnetworks are capable of being used in an overlapping manner to relay malicious traffic through the network segments. FLORAHOX appears to be multi-tenanted with several distinct router compromise payloads being used for the augmentation of the network and several APT threat actors leveraging the network. While it appears several actors may utilize the FLORAHOX network, China-nexus threat actors including clusters of activity publicly tracked as APT31 and Zirconium have been reported by multiple trusted third-party sources to utilize the network.
An additional tool that was determined to be a MIPS router tunneler payload (PETALTOWER) and related controller Bash scripts, which provide command-line inputs to the PETALTOWER payload (SHIMMERPICK), were identified in January 2023. The purpose of these tools appears to be providing a configuration for the traversal of the network and traversing the network of pre-existing FLORAHOX nodes based on command-line inputs.
ORB2 represents a more complicated design including the relay of traffic through TOR nodes, provisioned VPS servers, and different types of compromised routers including CISCO, ASUS, and Draytek end-of-life devices. The network embodies years of continual augmentation and several generations of distinct router-based payloads used simultaneously to recruit vulnerable devices into the FLORAHOX traversal node pool.
Figure 4: ORB2 / FLORAHOX network diagram
The Defender’s DilemmaThe widespread adoption of ORB networks by China-nexus espionage actors introduces a new layer of complexity to defending enterprise environments from malicious infrastructure. Rather than earlier practices allowing for the outright blocking of adversary infrastructure, defenders must now consider:
Mandiant asserts that the best way to rise to the challenge posed by ORB networks is to stop tracking espionage C2 infrastructure as an inert indicator of compromise and start tracking it as an entity with distinct TTPs. We no longer operate in the world of “block and move on” where IPs are part of APT’s weaponization and C2 kill chain phase. Instead, infrastructure is a living artifact of an ORB network that is a distinct and evolving entity where the characteristics of IP infrastructure itself, including ports, services, and registration/hosting data, can be tracked as evolving behavior by the adversary administrator responsible for that ORB network.
By shifting awareness and our enterprise defender paradigm toward treating ORB networks like APTs instead of IOCs, defenders can begin to turn their dilemma into a defender’s advantage.
ConclusionUse of ORB networks to proxy traffic in a compromised network is not a new tactic, nor is it unique to China-nexus cyber espionage actors. However, its ubiquity that has evolved over the past four years now requires defenders to meet this challenge head on to keep pace with adversaries in the cyber espionage landscape. We have tracked China-nexus cyber espionage using these tactics as part of a broader evolution toward more purposeful, stealthy, and effective operations. In addition to wanting to be stealthy, actors want to increase the cost and analytical burden on defenders of enterprise environments. The rise of the ORB network industry in China points to long-term investments in equipping China-nexus cyber operators with more sophisticated tactics and tools that facilitate enterprise exploitation to achieve higher success rates in gaining and maintaining access to high-value networks. Whether defenders will rise to this challenge depends on enterprises applying the same deep tactical focus to tracking ORB networks as has been done for APTs over the last 15 years. Mandiant is equipped to provide enterprise defenders with the capability to meet this challenge and scale to overcome it.