AFL 运行流程多图流(缓慢更新中)
因为希望更好的理解 AFL 的状态变化和运行时的流程,故在阅读源码的基础之上绘制一些 AFL 运行时的流程图。仅供参考,如有错误,欢迎批评指正。 gcc forkserver mode llvm forkserver mode llvm persistent mode 相关文件 待补充.
The US Department of Justice has named five Russian computer hackers as members of Unit 29155 – i.e., the 161st Specialist Training Center of the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) – which they deem resposible for the 2022 WhisperGate wiper malware attacks on Ukrainian government organizations and critical infrastructure, and subsequently computer network operations against NATO member and ally countries. “Since early 2022, the primary focus of the cyber actors appears to be … More →
The post Exposed: Russian military Unit 29155 does digital sabotage, espionage appeared first on Help Net Security.