Binance 警告针对加密货币用户的 Clipper 恶意软件攻击不断增加
配置错误的 ServiceNow 知识库会暴露机密信息
美国 CISA 将 Microsoft Windows MSHTML Platform 和 Progress WhatsUp Gold 漏洞添加到其已知已利用漏洞目录中
如何调查 Google Workspace 中的 ChatGPT 活动
Google Chrome 改用 ML-KEM 进行后量子密码学防御
macOS 日历中的零点击 RCE 漏洞暴露了 iCloud 数据
PayPal 和 Venmo 的 ENS 集成可能会促进主流加密货币的采用
Ivor Wiltenburg promoveert postuum op opbouwen Afghaanse krijgsmacht
USENIX NSDI ’24 – LoLKV: The Logless, Linearizable, RDMA-Based Key-Value Storage System
Authors/Presenters:Ahmed Alquraan, Sreeharsha Udayashankar, Virendra Marathe, Bernard Wong. Samer Al-Kiswany
Our sincere thanks to USENIX, and the Presenters & Authors for publishing their superb 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '24) content, placing the organizations enduring commitment to Open Access front and center. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara; and via the organizations YouTube channel.
The post USENIX NSDI ’24 – LoLKV: The Logless, Linearizable, RDMA-Based Key-Value Storage System appeared first on Security Boulevard.
揭秘一种针对 WooCommerce 商店的新型复杂信用卡窃取技术
North Korean Group Uses Fake Job Offers to Target Energy, Aerospace Sectors
The North Korean-backed threat group UNC2970 is using spearphishing emails and WhatsApp messages to entice high-level executives in the energy and aerospace sectors to open a malicious ZIP file containing a fake job description and a previously unknown backdoor called MISTPEN.
The post North Korean Group Uses Fake Job Offers to Target Energy, Aerospace Sectors appeared first on Security Boulevard.
How Much Will It Cost to Get PCI DSS Audited?
Explore PCI DSS audit costs, key factors that influence pricing, and practical tips for managing and optimizing your compliance expenses.
The post How Much Will It Cost to Get PCI DSS Audited? appeared first on Scytale.
The post How Much Will It Cost to Get PCI DSS Audited? appeared first on Security Boulevard.