日本国家警察厅发布了一份报告,旨在突出独居者在家中去世无人注意的社会问题。今年上半年对 102965 名死者的调查显示,约 30% 或 37227 人是独居被发现在家中去世,65 岁及以上占总数的逾七成,85 岁及以上最多有 7498 人,其次是 75-79 岁有 5920 人,70-74 岁有 5635 人。其中四成 14,775 人是死后一天被发现,有 3,936 人是死后一个多月才被发现,有 130 人死后一年才被发现。
AttackIQ has released a new attack graph that emulates the behaviors exhibited by Mallox ransomware since the beginning of its activities in June 2021. Mallox primarily gains access to victim networks through dictionary brute-force attacks against unsecured MS-SQL servers.
The post Emulating the Extortionist Mallox Ransomware appeared first on AttackIQ.
The post Emulating the Extortionist Mallox Ransomware appeared first on Security Boulevard.