Auckland Institute of Directors
This panel discussion on cyber risk covering all facets of the cyber threat together with recommendations on how to minimise an attack through good strategic planning
This panel discussion on cyber risk covering all facets of the cyber threat together with recommendations on how to minimise an attack through good strategic planning
The role of Government in protecting New Zealand’s important information - Andrew Hampton, Director, GCSB
Speaking Notes for the Opening Statement to the Intelligence & Security Committee by Andrew Hampton, Director, Government Communications Security Bureau.
Protecting New Zealand’s digital assets in an interconnected world (29.11.16) by Andrew Hampton, Director GCSB.
Select Committee Introduction - Andrew Hampton, Director GCSB
Speaking notes for Andrew Hampton, Director, GCSB. 21 July 2016.
The New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC) received new operating and capital funding of $178.7 million over four years as part of Budget 2016.
Speaking Notes for Speech to Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Cyber Risk Workshop by Una Jagose, Acting Director, Government Communications Security Bureau
Speaking Notes for Speech to the Kiwicon 9, (11.12.15) by Una Jagose, Acting Director, GCSB
Speaking Notes for the Opening Statement to the Intelligence & Security Committee by Andrew Hampton, Director, Government Communications Security Bureau.
Speaking Notes for Speech to the Technology and Privacy Forum by Una Jagose, Acting Director, GCSB.
11 May 2015 marks one year since the network security provisions of the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Act 2013 came into effect.
Speech to the Institute of Directors Breakfast by Ian Fletcher, Director, Government Communications Security Bureau
Review of the agencies in the core New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC), Unclassified Summary, July 2014.
The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) is responsible for administering the network security provisions of the TICSA.
New standards for cyber security have been developed and agreed by operators of critical power infrastructure in New Zealand.
The draft Guidance provides an overview for network operators of the process they will need to follow under the Act.