JAVA常见安全问题复现 - 羊小弟
地址来源于乌云知识库,作者z_zz_zzz 0x01 任意文件下载 web.xml的配置: 其中的servlet类要换下。类的代码如下: JDK1.5-1.7存在0x00导致的文件名截断问题,与操作系统无关。冒号在Windows环境会导致文件名截断问题,与JAVA无关。 如果要修复这种漏洞的话,可以
From Facebook to Twitter and now back to Facebook – the past few months have seen some of the most...
The post Sensitive Data on 3 Million Facebook Users Potentially Exposed by Suspended App appeared first on McAfee Blog.
Facebook Messenger, a feature included within the popular social media network, has grown to become a widely-used platform for friends...
The post Facebook Messenger Malware FacexWorm Steals Passwords and Mines for Cryptocurrency appeared first on McAfee Blog.