Битва алгоритмов XXI века: как ИИ спасёт инфраструктуру НАТО
12 месяцев в тени: как Salt Typhoon разоблачил агентурную сеть США
How to recognize employment fraud before it becomes a security issue
The combination of remote work, the latest technologies, and never physically meeting your employees has made it very easy for job applicants to mask their true identities from their employer and commit employment fraud. Motivations for this type of fraud vary, so it’s essential to start by quickly reviewing the key forms that employment fraud can take: Nation-state or criminal organization fraud, where employees infiltrate an organization to gain access to systems, data, or payroll … More →
The post How to recognize employment fraud before it becomes a security issue appeared first on Help Net Security.
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AlphaQubit: ИИ от Google повышает надежность квантовых вычислений на 30%
Пентагон: Китай заложил кибербомбу под критические объекты США
CISA Urges Agencies to Patch Critical "Array Networks" Flaw Amid Active Attacks
Practical strategies to build an inclusive culture in cybersecurity
In this Help Net Security interview, Alona Geckler, Chief of Staff, SVP of Business Operations at Acronis, shares her insights on the diversity environment in the cybersecurity and IT industries. She discusses the progress made over the past two decades, initiatives to foster inclusivity, and the remaining challenges. Geckler addresses unconscious bias and barriers to career advancement, offering practical strategies for organizations to foster more inclusive environments. How has the industry evolved in terms of … More →
The post Practical strategies to build an inclusive culture in cybersecurity appeared first on Help Net Security.