背景红蓝对抗中的云原生漏洞挖掘及利用实录[1] 提到在容器内根据设备号创建设备文件,然后读写裸设备,来完成容
DGA is one of the classic techniques for botnets to hide their C2s, attacker only needs to selectively register a very small number of C2 domains, while for the defenders, it is difficult to determine in advance which domain names will be generated and registered.
360 netlab has long focused
OpenVPN 是一个基于 OpenSSL 库的应用层 VPN 实现。和传统 VPN 相比,它的优点是简单易用。
渗透过程中如果碰到OpenVPN Connect v3,如何恢复其密码?
本文通过对OpenVPN Connect v3的逆向分析,