For more than 20 years, Akamai has worked very hard to earn the trust and confidence of our customers and partners by developing services that can be relied upon to be available and secure at all times.
The beginning of August is upon us, and if you haven?t already started thinking about the busiest time of the year, now is a good time to do so. Whether you?re an experienced veteran of managing peak traffic or new to the game, Q4 can bring surprises when it comes to performance and security. And while it?s nearly impossible to prepare for every situation, there are a number of options and solutions available at Akamai to help manage the surge of traffic (both good and bad) that will be hitting the retail industry during the holiday season, especially on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Maybe you?ve just found out that your company?s IT organization is implementing Zero Trust. Does that mean they don?t trust you? ?Zero Trust? sure sounds that way. Maybe you?ve read about it online or heard somebody talk about it in terms that equate Zero Trust with the idea that users and devices are never trusted.
In this very short post I wanna talk mention The Silver Searcher, which I just learned about a few weeks ago.
In the past I have written quite a bit about the importance of credential hunting for your organization and some cool built-in operating system indexing features that can be used as well.
Of course grep and findstr are also in every red teamers toolbox.
As part of a coding project I recently learned about “The Silver Searcher”, which is very fast and has some neat features built it.