Discover how GreyNoise seamlessly integrates robust security with intuitive design, empowering users with user-centric solutions. From clutter-free interfaces to inclusive design philosophy, explore how our commitment to simplicity and accessibility transforms cybersecurity.
In this blog entry, we discuss Trend Micro's contributions to an Interpol-coordinated operation to help Brazilian and Spanish law enforcement agencies analyze malware samples of the Grandoreiro banking trojan.
We spoke to Michel Mayor about the importance of public engagement with science and how to foster responsibility among the youth for the preservation of our changing planet
Moving to cloud-based architectures from traditional physical telecommunication systems is complicated and complex. Communications service providers (CSPs) are evolving on the 5G journey from traditional mobile network infrastructures to meet next-generation cloud-centric network requirements for reliability, agility...
By modifying a refrigerator commonly used in both research and industry, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have drastically reduced the time and energy required to cool materials to within a few degrees above
Voor de veiligheid van Nederland heeft de AIVD in 2023 niet alleen veel maar vaak ook urgente dreigingen moeten onderzoeken. Het grimmige beeld dat de AIVD vorig jaar schetste is in veel opzichten slechter geworden. Dat stelt de AIVD in het jaarverslag 2023.
Windows event logs can provide valuable insights when piecing together an incident or suspicious activity, making them crucial for analysts to understand.