CVE-2024-52273 | Tenda AC6V2 up to setDoublePppoeConfig stack-based overflow
CVE-2024-52274 | Tenda AC6V2 up to setDoubleL2tpConfig stack-based overflow
Crimenetwork: полиция нанесла удар по теневой экономике Германии
Play Store上发现15款针对数百万人的SpyLoan应用程序
CVE-2016-8018 | Intel VirusScan Enterprise Linux up to 2.0.3 NailsConfig.html cross-site request forgery (EDB-40911 / Nessus ID 95812)
CVE-2014-5073 | VMTurbo Operations Manager prior 4.0 vmtadmin.cgi fileDate command injection (ID 127864 / EDB-34335)
PoC exploit for critical WhatsUp Gold RCE vulnerability released (CVE-2024-8785)
Researchers have published a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for CVE-2024-8785, a critical remote code execution vulnerability affecting Progress WhatsUp Gold, a popular network monitoring solution for enterprises. CVE-2024-8785 and the PoC exploit CVE-2024-8785 stems from the incorrect use of a privileged application programming interface (API) that may allow attackers to overwrite the Windows Registry. The API endpoint in question – NmAPI.exe – can be exploited by unauthenticated, remote attackers to change an existing registry value or … More →
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Boundless Socratic Learning: Google DeepMind's Vision for AI That Learns Without Limits
Search Operators and Wildcards for Cyber Threat Investigations
Finding information on specific cyber threats in a vast amount of data can be challenging. Threat Intelligence Lookup from ANY.RUN simplifies this task with wildcards and operators that provide you with the ability to create flexible and precise search queries. Let’s take a look at how you can use them to identify and collect intel […]
The post Search Operators and Wildcards for Cyber Threat Investigations appeared first on ANY.RUN's Cybersecurity Blog.